Happy Birthday To Us!
Join us in our community room downstairs immediately after the Sunday Gathering on Nov 17th to celebrate our 149th birthday and kick off our 150th year! There will be cake, treats, and plenty of fun—don’t miss it!
OSC’s Legacy
Our congregation began on November 21st, 1875 when 13 Christians gathered in a one-room schoolhouse in the township of San Luis Rey, just south of the mission. They called themselves, simply, “The Christian Church at San Luis Rey.” In 1908, the congregation moved to the growing new town of Oceanside just a few miles west. In 1928 they built our existing church building.
First Christian Church of Oceanside, circa 1950’s
Over the years, our church has had many seasons of life. We have been a rugged pioneer church, a budding downtown mission, and a pillar of the Oceanside civic community. But our character has always remained constant: a deep love for and commitment to Christ, a warm and welcoming community, and a driving compassion for those in need.
Our church fed hungry people during the Great Depression, organized relief for military wives during the Vietnam war, and helped start a social services agency in the 1990’s. Today we continue that legacy by serving as a place of hospitality in the neighborhood, offering creative and compassionate expressions of the gospel to shape our city for good. We are proud to be a congregation of the Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.