The Mission 2030 Process
With the help of our consultant, Pacific Community Solutions, Mission 2030 will utilize an approach called Appreciative Inquiry. We have adapted it to help us discern the leading of God’s spirit for our congregation through the “5D” process:
Define (October — November 2024)
“Define” is essentially the planning stage. This took place in October and November of 2024 when the OSC Board and Staff met with with our consultant, OSC member Ron Dwyer-Voss of Pacific Community Solutions, to define the focus, boundaries, process, and outcome of Mission 2030.
Discover (December 2024 — APRIL 2025)
“Discover” is a long period of listening carefully to the people who are most involved with the mission and programs of The Oceanside Sanctuary. This includes OSC members
The purpose of the Discover stage is to uncover OSC’s meaning and purpose through the stories people value and share. This reveals what people want to expand into the future.
Internal interviews with our members and analysis of that data will last from December through February.
We will share our first round of data with the congregation at the end of February.
External interviews with community partners and stakeholders and analysis of that data analysis will last from March through May.
Dream (MAY - AUGUST 2025)
We will gather as a congregation in May to see the full results and analysis of the “Discover” stage and dream together about the possibilities for our future.
Over the summer of 2025 the OSC Board and Staff will take all the data, analysis, and congregational dreaming and draft the scope and language of Mission 2030.
The congregation will be invited to provide feedback online over the summer.
Design (SEPTEMBER - novemBER 2025)
During the fall of 2025, the OSC Staff, Board, and congregational leaders will work to innovate fresh ways to pursue our prefferred future together.
The congregation will be invited to provide feedback online during the fall.
We will gather as a congregation on November 23rd 2025 to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of our church and ratify our new Mission Commitment through 2030.
From January 1, 2026 through December 31, 2030 will will collectively pursue our destinity together!
NEXT: The Discover Stage —>