The Discover Stage

Internal Interviews

We conducting internal congregational interviews through our Community Groups, Ministry Teams, and several open listening sessions in December and January. After this, data analysis was conducted in February to identify key themes that will guide our Dreaming and Design later in the Missioin 2030 process. See below for the results of these interviews and for a message from Pastor Jason on the prophetic imagination these themes represent for the future of The Oceanside Sanctuary.

Internal interview Questions

  1. What do you personally most appreciate about Oceanside Sanctuary Church?

  2. When is Oceanside Sanctuary Church at its best? What is it doing then?

  3. What changes might strengthen or improve Oceanside Sanctuary Church?

  4. Of all the things OSC does as a church community, what has been most helpful to your spiritual growth or strengthening?

  5. When you think about the mission of Oceanside Sanctuary Church, what issues or challenges need to be addressed in the next 1-3 years?

  6. When you imagine what OSC could become three years from now, what possibilities come to mind?

  7. What is one thought (a key question, recommendation, etc.) that the board and staff of Oceanside Sanctuary Church should consider as it undergoes the strategic planning process?

Click to expand the “5 Themes” graphic

Five Themes Emerge

Having concluded the analysis of our internal interviews in February, five themes have emerged so far:

Theme #1: Inclusive, Welcoming, & Diverse

We are a church where people can be their authentic selves, honest, accepted, & hold diverse beliefs and backgrounds in a safe space.

Theme #2: Thoughtful Teaching & Worship

We value our teaching, time for holding space, addressing hard topics, meaningful discussions, special Sundays (PRIDE, MLK, etc.), and having dialog with humility.

Theme #3: Social Justice, Service, & Action

We are at our best when we are practicing Jesus’ teachings, engaged with & addressing political context, caring, giving, advocating & organizing.

Theme #4: Connection, Community, & Care

We value spiritual growth, mutual care, small groups, online classes, & deeper connections with each other & neighbors in the community.

Theme #5: Balancing Growth With Mission & Ministry

Challenges ahead: How do we reach out and offer what we have to more people while keeping our sense of intimacy, connection, mission focus, and community? How can we deepen the connection for online participants? For youth? How can we become more racially and ethnically diverse?

External interviews

In March and April we will embark on the second-half of our “Discover” stage by conducting external interviews with our community partners in Oceanside, San Diego County, and our wider region. These two sets of interview results will give us a clear sense of who we are and what we may be called to in the next season of life at OSC.

  • We will share the results of our external interviews at the end of April. Check back here at that time for the results of that data.

NEXT: The Dream Stage —>