Join us for our Sunday Gathering @ 10AM
Join us on January 5th at 10 AM for our first ever "Twelfth Morning" Sunday gathering to celebrate Epiphany, the final day of the “twelve days of Christmas” also known as the season of Christmastide! This special service will involve lots of fun and activities for all ages:
A magi photo booth station
Decorating your crowns
Kids and family games
A joourney of the Magi labyrinth
An Epiphany Pinata
Bagels and baby king cupcakes!
Traditionally, Epiphany is a time to dress up the the “three kings” or “wise men” from the Magi story. So come dressed up in your best king or queen costume rto celebrate!
We gather every Sunday for songs, sacraments, and stories of inspiration and impact at:
Oceanside Sanctuary, 204 S. Freeman St., Oceanside, CA 92054.
For our live services visit click here for Youtube or Facebook.