Growing in faith and love that brings freedom from our sinful desires requires intentional effort on our part; effort that is assisted by God's grace. Join us online this Sunday as we conclude learning Jesus’ “Sermon at the Mount.”
Because God is good and does not attempt to control and manipulate us, we can let go of the need to control and manipulate others and instead deal straightforwardly with God and with each other. Join us as we continue to learn more of Jesus' teaching on His "Sermon at the Mount."
Learning to love and trust God means we are free from the vicious cycles of greed and anxiety because we can trust that God’s Kingdom grounds us in a world of God’s good abundance
Fasting creates the space in our bodies, minds, and spirits to become acutely aware of God’s presence, which transforms us from the inside out. Join us to learn Jesus’ teachings on fasting.
Prayer teaches us to repair ourselves and the world around us by learning to love God and to extend that love to others. Join us to learn how Jesus teaches us to pray.