Announcing our new "Branches Class" for learning healthy leadership

With fall arriving, we are launching “Branches”, our new 3-session leadership training class. This class will teach healthy leadership practices through three interactive Zoom sessions. This class will equip you to lead in an inclusive, inspiring, and impactful way in accordance with our core values and practices.

Here are the dates:

  • Thursday, Sep 8th, 6:30 to 7:45 PM via Zoom

  • Thursday, Sep 15th, 6:30 to 7:45 PM via Zoom

  • Thursday, Sep 22, 6:30 to 7:45 PM via Zoom

During these training sessions, you will learn:

  • A distinctive approach to spirituality and leadership that makes safe space for people at different places in their spiritual journey.

  • How to lead in ways that respect people’s agency and freedom of conscience.

  • How to relationally organize teams and groups to be an effective leader.

  • How to facilitate meaningful faith dialogue that creates new possibilities for growth.

  • How to help people find the soul care they need through our community.

Watching the recorded sessions: This training will be offered live on Zoom and recorded. If you aren’t able to attend live, you can watch the session recordings afterwards and meet with a staff minister to debrief what you’ve learned.

Pre-requisite: Those taking the Branches Class must first complete our Roots Class (membership). If you haven’t taken Roots yet, you can indicate on the RSVP below and we will arrange for you to watch the three Roots session videos before September 8th.

RSVP Today!