Congregation Approves 2023-2024 Board & Budget Amid Continued Growth

Dear OSC family,

It has, again, been a year of growth and blessing at OSC. Over the past year our church has grown from about 150 members to about 230 members and overall giving grew from $315,000 to $360,000. Last Sunday at the annual congregational meeting, the members present voted unanimously to approve our new Board slate and budget, effective July 1, 2023. See the details below.


We are pleased to announce that the addition of Lee Anne McInerny to the Board of Elders. Lee Anne has been deeply engaged with OSC since joining the church two years ago. She attends the Laguna Hills Community Group, serves on the hospitality team, co-leads the Book Club, and has shown an eagerness to pitch-in and help wherever she is needed. As a recently retired HR professional, Lee Anne brings valuable expertise to our growing church and staff. We are so excited to have her join our Board!


Overall giving for 2022-2023 increased by roughly $45,000 over the 2021-2022 total of $315,000, for a projected total of $360,000 by June 30. This reflects growth of 14% over the prior year and 80% growth in giving over the 2020-2021 total of $199,000 two years ago. For FY 2023-2024, the Board is projecting 10% growth in general contributions and significant growth in food pantry donations and building revenue through our coworking mission. Accordingly, the congregation approved a budget of $434,000 for fiscal year 2023-2024 beginning July 1.

The new budget increases spending for family ministries, outreach programs, live-streaming improvements, and continued facilities maintenance and improvements. It also allocates staffing increases to officially bring on Jason and Jenell Coker full-time as the Co-Lead Ministers and add a part-time Youth and Children’s coordinator to serve the needs of our rapidly growing families with children.


Click here to view the full congregation-approved board slate and budget. If you have any questions about the details of the new budget, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

OSC Board of Elders