Season 10, Episode 4: Dear Mama God with Daneen Akers (Part 2)

Expanding Our Language for God: Part 2 of our Conversation with Daneen Akers

Welcome back to The Collective Table! In this episode, we continue our conversation with the incredible Daneen Akers, author of Dear Mama God. If you missed part one, we encourage you to go back and listen, as it lays the foundation for this deeper exploration into how language shapes faith and why inclusive God-language matters.

The Power of Language in Faith

Daneen, Jenell, and Claire dive into how expanding our metaphors for God can transform our spirituality, making it more inclusive, just, and healing. Children often instinctively understand that God can be a mother, yet cultural and religious traditions have erased or minimized these images. Daneen shares stories from readers—many of whom are children—who naturally embrace a nurturing, life-giving Divine Feminine.

We also discuss how patriarchal structures have shaped not only theology but also broader societal systems, from medical research to leadership roles. Daneen highlights how challenging these norms allows for a fuller, richer spiritual experience—one that acknowledges and values the feminine alongside the masculine.

Why Inclusive Theology Matters for Everyone

While conversations about the Divine Feminine often center women’s experiences, this is a conversation for everyone. Daneen and our hosts discuss why men, nonbinary individuals, and people of all identities benefit from reimagining God beyond rigid, gendered language. Just as we need diverse voices in leadership to shape a more just world, we also need diverse images of God to reflect the fullness of the Divine.

One of the most powerful moments in this episode is the reading of Psalm 23 with maternal imagery:

"My mother is my shepherd and I lack nothing. She lays me down in green grass and carries fresh water to me. I can rest in her watchfulness while my soul is restored."

Hearing familiar scripture through a different lens reveals how deeply our perceptions of God have been shaped by patriarchal language—and how liberating it can be to expand our understanding.

Joy as Resistance

Towards the end of the episode, we reflect on the importance of joy in liberation work. Daneen shares her passion for helping young people cultivate wonder and play as a counterbalance to the weight of activism and justice work. As our hosts discuss, joy is an act of defiance against systems that seek to diminish, control, or oppress. Holding both lament and celebration is essential to creating a faith that sustains us.

Questions for Reflection

At the end of the episode, we invite you to reflect on these questions:

  • Do you have female leaders you look up to and learn from?

  • What images or metaphors for God feel most meaningful to you right now, and why?

  • How do you see lament and celebration working together in community? Can you think of examples where they coexist?

Book Giveaway: Dear Mama God

We’re still giving away free copies of Dear Mama God! Be one of the first 20 people to share why the Divine Feminine is important to you, and you’ll receive a free copy of the book. Simply email us at or leave us a voicemail at (760) 722-8522. You can either pay for shipping or pick up your copy in person.

Keep the Conversation Going

To learn more about Daneen Akers’ work, visit her website and explore her recommended reading list on inclusive spirituality. And be sure to follow The Collective Table for more thought-provoking conversations on faith, justice, and belonging.