Our New Scripture Study Group: Call & Response

Entering the dialogue of scripture

This spring we conducted our second round of the relatively new 6-week class How (Not) To Read the Bible. With the COVID lockdown in full-force, I hosted the class on Zoom and wasn’t quite sure what to expect for turnout.

Turns out, we had an amazing showing!

People Zoomed into the course from all over the country: California, Texas, Georgia, New York, Utah, and Alaska! In fact, of the 23 people who completed the course, nearly half of them were from out of State.

At the end of the course, everyone involved expressed a desire ton continue by applying what we had learned to the reading and study of scripture.

So, on that note, I am excited to announce Call & Response, our new monthly scripture study group. This group will approach Bible study as a community dialogue, much like the ”call and response” tradition found in sacred literature, liturgy, and music of all kinds.

This month, we are meeting Thursday, July 23rd at 6:00 PM. Our July study focuses on the book of Habakkuk. RSVP below to receive details including a Zoom call link and resources for studying in advance and prepping for the discussion.

RSVP for Call & Response