Profiles in Black History: The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition

Profiles in Black History is a project of our Justice Works Anti-Racism Team. A new profile will be spotlighted every day during Black History Month.

The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition


“The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition is a Black led 501(c)3 nonprofit that is striving to create a space specifically for Black LGBTQ individuals and families. Here’s how the Coalition describes their mission: “The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition strives to be a haven for OUR community. As your central hub for Queer Black life, our primary focus is connecting you to resources, events, and outlets that support and enrich your life, and providing opportunities to strengthen the community in which we live. In order to benefit Black LGBTQ individuals and families, the "Coalition" organizes unique events aligned with our vision of becoming a "strong, sustained and connected" community.  Our flagship Annual Conference is a vibrant gathering of Black, Queer culture.  Distinctively themed each year, the conference is both a reflection and a celebration of our lives, challenges, and transformation. Our social mixers and events create space for the community to gather, connect, and exist in space together, while our community outreach events allow us to engage with the larger San Diego community. [The] San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition was founded in 2015 to strengthen the Black LGBTQ community in San Diego. By 2017, the Coalition, as it was called, had laid a robust foundation, but had grown beyond the operating capacity that its original structure could sustain.  In December of 2018, The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition adopted new bylaws that established the Coalition Council, a board of elected leaders from its active membership, and created a more flexible membership structure that allows our community to contribute to the coalition in more diverse ways.” During the pandemic, the San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition is putting on virtual events so they can continue providing support and community in a COVID safe way. Visit their website for more information and to find out how you can support the organization.

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Rebecca Riley is a writer and filmmaker who lives in North County San Diego.