The Collective Table Podcast is Here!

We’re thrilled to share some big news with you — Oceanside Sanctuary has officially taken over The Collective Table Podcast! This progressive Christian podcast, which has been a beloved voice here in North County, is now under our care. For those who don’t know, The Collective Table (TCT) has been around for a while, exploring deep and meaningful conversations about faith, culture, and community.

Our very own Claire Watson, who serves as the Family Minister at OSC, has been closely involved with TCT as both a host and producer for several years. When the original founders, Dana Black and Chelsea Simon, approached us about continuing their work, we took some time to reflect, pray, and discuss with our Board of Elders. After thoughtful consideration, we decided to embrace this opportunity to expand and enrich this ministry.

We’re excited to develop The Collective Table further, serving not only our local OSC community but also reaching people far and wide. Whether it’s through storytelling, author interviews, online teachings, or other creative content, we’re ready to dive in and share this journey with all of you.

Today, we’re launching a special episode titled “Passing the Baton,” which you can catch on your favorite podcast platform. In this episode, we’ll dive into the history of TCT, talk about its exciting merge with OSC, and give you a sneak peek into what’s coming next with our new hosts — Jenell, Jason, and Claire.

And speaking of what’s next, mark your calendars! A brand-new season of The Collective Table is coming this September. We’ll be exploring themes that feel more relevant than ever: cultural and identity fragmentation, coping with differences, confronting the doubts and fears that come with them, and discovering the opportunities that arise from embracing cultural and spiritual diversity.

We can’t wait to share this new chapter with you!

Listen on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.