🌊 Join Us for a Zoom Meeting: Oceanside Sanctuary Migrant Response Team Updates and Planning Session

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We hope this message finds you well. The Oceanside Sanctuary Congregation's Migrant Response Team has been tirelessly working to support asylum seekers arriving in our community, and we are excited to invite you to our upcoming Zoom meeting to discuss updates and plan for our future endeavors.

📅 Date: October 4th

🕔 Time: 6:30 pm

📍 Location: Zoom Meeting (Link Below)

At the heart of our mission is the belief that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves compassion, dignity, and a helping hand. Asylum seekers often arrive in our city with nothing but hope for a better life, and it is our privilege to assist them in their time of need.

During our Zoom meeting, we will:

  1. Share Updates: Hear about the recent activities and achievements of our Migrant Response Team.

  2. Discuss Future Plans: Brainstorm ideas and strategies for more effective assistance to asylum seekers.

  3. Volunteer Opportunities: Learn how you can get involved and make a meaningful impact.

  4. Fundraising Initiatives: Explore ways to support our initiatives financially.

Zoom Meeting Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89825000381

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jenell by emailing Jenell@oceansidesanctuary.org

Thank you for your unwavering support. We look forward to seeing you at the Zoom meeting and working together to create a more compassionate and welcoming Oceanside.


Jason & Jenell Coker, Co-Ministers