New Kids Check-In Procedures @ OSC

As our children’s ministry continues to grow, we are excited to share some of the ways that we will continue to provide a secure environment for our children on Sunday mornings. 

Starting on Sunday, October 15th, you will be able to check your children in and out at our brand-new kids desk! As your family arrives at OSC’s Sunday gathering, expect to be greeted by one of our Family Co-op volunteers who will assist you in a brief check-in process. 

At our check-in desk, each child will receive a nametag with a matching 3-digit code assigned to their parent or guardian. Families are encouraged to sit in worship together until our children are released to their classrooms after communion. 

During our kids classroom time, children will enjoy music, stories, crafts, and games. Most weeks, we also offer a small snack and a drink during this time. 

At the end of the service, parents will return to the same kids desk with their matching badge for check-out. We ask that families begin the habit of checking their children in and out at the kids desk, and not at the classroom doors. This will allow our volunteers to continue to manage a safe and efficient check out area on Sunday mornings!

Want to make the check-in process as smooth as possible? Ensure that your family’s information is up-to-date with us. You may contact Claire or Alexis to do so. 

We look forward to seeing you at OSC’s next Sunday Gathering. Questions? Ideas? Email our Youth & Family Minister, Claire, at