A blessing for Oceanside

On September 11, 2024, Pastor Jenell Coker offered the blessing at the City of Oceanside City Council meeting. The text and video are below.


God bless us. On this day, September 11, as we remember our past as a country, may the city of Oceanside be blessed with strength and resilience and look toward solving the challenges we face today. May Oceanside remain a place where neighbors take care of neighbors, the diversity of residents is celebrated, and all voices are heard. 

May your Divine presence guide Oceanside's leaders, especially this city council, with wisdom to remember the needs of its residents in light of the ever-present pull of tourism. May they protect the soul of the city and ensure that growth and prosperity do not come at the cost of those who call Oceanside their home. 

Grant them the foresight to create solutions for the housing crisis so that all may find shelter while fostering a thriving economy for visitors and locals alike. May they hear the cries of the residents who don't have enough to eat and make good policy decisions that stamp out food insecurity in our community. 

Give our leaders compassion for our homeless residents, those battling addiction, and those in need of mental health care. God, gird the city council members with the foresight to diligently find positive solutions over punitive ones, always keeping dignity, compassion, and respect in mind, as we are all humans in need of grace. 

In the face of political divides, may the people of Oceanside find common ground built on empathy and a shared purpose to shield our schools from bullying and gun violence. 

May Oceanside rise stronger than its challenges, with leadership that serves all—residents and visitors alike—united in its pursuit of justice, peace, and well-being for every soul within its borders.
