Pastor's Letters

Understanding the Sermon on the Mount For Today

Understanding the Sermon on the Mount For Today

For the past several weeks we have focused on exploring Jesus' central teachings in the “sermon on the mount,” found in Matthew chapters 5-7. This has been a broad overview intended to help us understand the big picture of Jesus’ core message. It turns out, Jesus’ sermon also helps answer two big questions many people are asking about Christianity today:

Share your practices & experiences this lent

Share your practices & experiences this lent

As I shared on Sunday, during Lent, we take forty days to commune with Jesus in his time of fasting in the desert. Lent is typically a time to abstain from vices like chocolate, media, video games, or alcohol. Giving up something can be a great way to keep Christ’s death and resurrection on our minds until Easter and bring richness to our year. However, with a finite amount of time in our day, sometimes adding a spiritual practice