All migrant services moving to San Diego

Dear Church Family, 

After roughly a month of Border Protection dropping off legal asylum seekers at the Oceanside Transit Center and a Herculean effort by non-profits, everyday Oceanside residents, and churches to provide basic care, there is a new solution. As of today, because the County Supervisors approved $3 million dollars for relief, they will be consolidating all asylum seekers to one location in downtown San Diego, where more shelters and services are nearby. 

Jason and I are so proud of the effort and care you all put into providing smiling faces, warm blankets, good food, and a bit of dignity to those seekers in need. "Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" Matt 25:40.

Working alongside you was a pleasure. Many members of the larger community noticed the love and care of Oceanside Sanctuary members. One high-profile Oceanside leader came to me in tears, saying that he dreamt of a church like ours but didn't believe one existed until he saw our response to this crisis. 

The border releases are not over, and while it is no longer impacting Oceanside directly, we should still be praying, voting, and helping causes that offer dignity and hope. Just two days ago, a 29-year-old woman from Guiana died in an open-air detention center. While we don't know all the circumstances of her death, I do know that open-air detention centers do not follow our government's national standards for fundamental human rights. 

We will keep our cots, blankets, and pillows ready if another change occurs and we are again needed to help. For now, rest up. 

Blessings to all of you, 

Jenell Coker 
