Check our our new forgiveness group & vote on our new Sunday Gathering time!

Hello church friends! 

We’ve learned a great deal together over the past eight weeks from scripture about the Art of Community: the priority of connecting with God’s transformational presence, how God liberates us from fear to embrace our differences, and how a community of difference empowered by the Spirit acts in genuine caring and loving ways. This is just the kind of community we hope to build at The Oceanside Sanctuary!

Exploring The Path of Forgiveness

One topic that has come up repeatedly is the difficulty of knowing how to relate to people who have harmed us. For a deeper dive into this issue, we highly recommend our new group called “Forgiveness: Understanding The Journey.” This 6-week group process starts August 9th via Zoom and uses the excellent, Book of Forgiving by Bishop Desmond and Mpho Tutu. In this group you will learn how to walk through a healthy process of forgiveness, be free from un-forgiveness, and maintain healthy boundaries with those who have harmed you. 

—> Click here to see group details and RSVP. 

Take Our Quick Poll For a New Sunday Service Time!

Last Sunday was the final week for Holy Cross Episcopal Church to share our sanctuary. It’s been a pleasure hosting them for the past year as they discerned their future.

With Holy Cross moving on, we now have our whole Sunday morning available to pick the best time for our gathering! Many of you have expressed your desire for an earlier time. We are going to take them month of August to hear from you about the best time to gather and then start our new service time on September 4th. 

—> Click here to share your preference for a new Sunday service time 

Upgraded COVID Precautions

As we're sure you’re aware, COVID hospitalizations have been steadily rising for a few months. Last week the State of California upgraded their COVID recommendations to strongly encourage masks for all indoor gatherings. In accordance with that updated guidance, we are also strongly encouraging all people attending our in-person services to wear a mask. This is voluntary, but we are a community that takes each other's health seriously, so please give careful consideration to the precautions you will take. As usual, we will have new masks at the church for you to use if you need one. 

As always, it is an honor to minister with and to this congregation! 


Rev Jason Coker & Jenell Coker


The Oceanside Sanctuary