Thankful For What's Coming Up At OSC

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we am continually thankful for you and our remarkable community of faith! There is so much coming up we want you to know about. 

Trans Remembrance Sunday, Nov 21

As we reach the end of a fall season of studying the life and teachings of Jesus, it seems particularly appropriate that this Sunday, Nov 21 our LGBTQ Open & Affirming Team will lead us in a remembrance of transgender persons who have violently lost their lives. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount speaks directly to the ugly and rampant reality of hatred and violence, and it explicitly offered a better way forward — a way of love.


El Pollo Loco Thanksgiving Outreach, Nov 22

Every year the executive staff of the local El Pollo Loco restaurants joins Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry for a thanksgiving outreach to our community. This year’s outreach is happening Monday, Nov 22 from 12-2 PM. If you would like to help out with this event, email us at 

New Advent Series & Group

Next Sunday, Nov 28 we begin Advent! This year, I am inviting you to join me in reading through an Advent devotional called, “Traveling With Our Ancestors” by Sandhya Jha. We will start reading it on Nov 28th and will explore the theme through your Sunday teaching series. 

We are also starting an in-person small group to discuss this devotional and teaching series that will last just 3-weeks. The Advent group will be hosted by Roy and Christina Inzunza in their home and will be a great opportunity to get to know each other! But space is limited to just 12 people total, so click here to RSVP.


Christmas Decorating & Tree Lighting, Nov 28

Directly after church on Nov 28, we will kick-off the Advent and Christmas season by setting up the church Christmas tree! This is a family event, so bring your kids and enjoy some cookies and hot chocolate while we setup the tree and hang decorations for the season.  

Christmas Eve Service, Dec 24 @ 7 PM

Our Christmas Eve service this year will be at 7 PM. Please join us for this short celebration of traditional Christmas songs and candle lighting! After, we will have coffee and hot chocolate to mark the beginning of the 12 days of Christmas together. 

Year End Fund Drive

The end of the year also means it’s time for our year-end fund drive! If you’ve been at OSC for a while, you know we only talk about money twice a year: during our annual pledge drive in June and during our annual year-end fund drive in December. Like last year, our goal is to raise $25,000 in year-end donations over-and-above regular weekly or monthly giving. 10% of this will go to the Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry budget, including our annual holiday gift card giveaway for pantry families. 

If you are able to make an extra year-end gift this year, we are so very grateful! You generosity helps us together pursue our mission to “grow together in the peace, love, and justice of Christ for the sake of our relationships, our cities, and our world.”