Help needed for Ukrainian refugee family

Update May 18: So far we have received a donated carseat and raised $3,950 to assist with a new laptop and vehicle for the Ukrainian refugee family moving into Oceanside. That’s amazing, thank you everyone! We also potentially have another family from OSC exploring he possibility of hosting a second Ukrainian refugee family in Oceanside, so there may be more opportunities to help. We’ll keep you posted here. In the meantime, if you’d like to donate to help these families, click here to give online and put “Ukrainian family assistance” in the comments box for your donation.


Hello friends, 

Today I have an important and urgent request! One of our OSC families has been matched with a refugee family from Kyiv, Ukraine. They have committed to providing them with a home for the next six months. This young Ukrainian family (husband, wife, and toddler) came to the U.S. with just a suitcase and a stroller. They have received clothing and personal care products already 

But they do have a few significant pressing needs: 

  • A working laptop for communications

  • A good car seat for their toddler

  • A vehicle for getting around San Diego County (the husband is mechanically inclined and will even take a car that needs repair).

If you can donate any of these items -- or contribute toward the cost of these items -- please use the form on the right to email our Family Minister, Jenell Coker. I would love to see our church pull together to help them with these needs.

Please keep both families in your prayers. The church will, of course, ensure this family has access to Sarah's Hope Pantry, as needed, for food, diapers, etc. As they settle into our Oceanside community, we imagine that there will be other opportunities to help this family find some kind of normalcy in this challenging time. 


Rev. Jason Coker
Lead Pastor