Help us raise $50k to support our community impact programs — Oceanside Sanctuary

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Help us raise $50k to support our community impact programs

Dear OSC family,

It’s time again for our annual year-end fund drive! As you know, instead of passing an offering basket every week, we have two fundraisers during the year, once in June and once in December. Last December, you helped raise $55,075 to renovate our community space in the basement. Huge thanks to everyone who made last year’s fund drive a success. Because of you, this space is better equipped to host our weekly food pantry (which hs added 130 households in the past 6 months!), our quarterly outreaches, and make space for a Thursday night women’s Alcoholics Anonymous group and a Wednesday night Tango class!

This year we are raising funds for our Community Impact programs. This includes:

  • Our Food Pantry, which provides fresh meat, dairy, vegetables, and shelf-stable food for 500+ people in the North Coastal region every month.

  • Our quarterly outreaches, like last summer’s social justice film series, our fall back-to-school giveaway, last week’s Senior’s Thanksgiving Lunch, and our upcoming annual Christmas family gift program.

  • Our Justice Works Team partners with the San Diego Organizing Project, so our dues help fund a North County community organizer who helps OSC and other congregations advocate for more just local, County, and State policies on issue of housing, homelessness, and policing. Our work with SDOP also allows our volunteers to receive training in faith-based community organizing and travel to Sacramento to influence State-level policies.

  • Our Anti-Racism Team works to help OSC become more actively anti-racist through events and education. They are currently working on creating an anti-racism training worship for spring 2026.

  • Our Queer Committee, who works to ensure that OSC is a safe and empowring space for the LGBTQIA+ community and partner with the North County LGBTQ Resource Center, to help support their local programs that serve the needs of the Queer community in North County.

These programs are the heart and soul of The Oceanside Sanctuary. We are highly committed to putting our faith into action to both be and bring “good news” to the poor, the hurting, and the oppressed (Luke 4:18-19). This is the gospel that Jesus preached.

Our total budget for all these Community Impact programs this year is $50,000. This includes all the food, supplies, equipment, personnel, and communications that make these programs work. So that is our goal for this year. In addition, every penny we raise above $50,000 will be dedicated to those same programs. So the more we raise, the more impact we will have on our community.

Please prayerfully consider making an extra year-end gift toward this goal by December 31st. As always, we will do the same. As Co-Lead Ministers, we don’t ask you to do anything that we aren’t willing to do ourselves. We believe in the mission of OSC so, like many of you, we give as members every week, and we make an extra gift at year-end to fund programs like these.

Would you join is in giving to these efforts?

Click here to give quickly and securely online. If you prefer to give by check, use the self-addressed reply envelope. Whatever amount you can give is sincerely appreciated!

Thank you again, and may your family be blessed this Advent and Christmas season!


Jason & Jenell Coker

Co-Lead Ministers

PS: Our Community Impact programs make a tangible difference in people’s lives. Your extra gift this month can help secure that good work this year.
