Important Staff Changes at OSC

Hello OSC family,

We write today with news about an important staff change at OSC.

As many of you know, over the past year our Associate Pastor Alex Kip has rekindled his artistic passion to pursue a career in film acting. During that time, his acting opportunities have grown significantly. Accordingly, this past spring, we worked with Alex to change his role from Associate to Outreach Minister, decreasing his hours and responsibilities to afford him more time and flexibility to pursue his acting career.

At the same time, our congregation has also grown significantly and we find ourselves in need of more ministry staffing, not less. This is especially true in the area of children and youth where our need for a youth and children’s minister has become critical. Because this is an area of ministry to which Alex does not feel called, we have determined his time as a staff member at OSC has come to an end.

This has been a difficult and emotional decision for everyone. We love and care for Alex as a person. While we are delighted to see his acting opportunities grow, we are sad to see his role at the church come to an end. He has contributed significantly to OSC over five years during a time of transformation and growth. But his career needs and the needs of the congregation are moving in different directions.

While Alex is primarily focused on developing his film career at this time, we wholeheartedly affirm his gifts and training for ministry. Should he decide to pursue other ministry opportunities, he goes with our full blessing and endorsement. We wish him success in all his future endeavors and will always consider him part of the OSC family.

Alex’s time on staff will officially conclude on July 15th. Please extend your best wishes to Alex during his transition. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


Jason & Jenell Coker

Co-Lead Ministers