Help us reach our Supporting Member goal this month!

Dear friends,

June at OSC marks the season for our annual supporting member drive! As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we cannot operate without your generosity. So just like your favorite public radio station, once a year we invite you to become a supporting member of OSC.

a co-operative community

We feel incredibly blessed to have a truly unique community of faith where everyone is free to be their authentic selves and grow closer to God! But to make that possible, OSC runs alot like a co-op. We need everyone to pitch-in to make it happen. If you believe in what we do, please consider becoming a Supporting Member today.

Supporting Members make a commitment to contribute weekly, monthly, or annually to our church’s mission. If you’re ready to make that membership commitment, please click here to sign up on our membership page.

our goal: 15 new supporting member households

By the end of our fiscal year on June 30, we expect our general contributions to reach about $360k (not including grants, bequests, and other revenue sources). Our hope is to grow that by about 10% next year. On average, that means we need to add about 15 supporting member households for next year’s budget.

Please consider becoming one of those 15 new supporting members by clicking here today to sign up for regular giving. Any amount you are able to give helps us pursue our mission!


Our vision is to be an expression of inclusive, inspiring, and impactful Christian spirituality wherever it is needed. Sadly, it seems some Christian churches are increasingly becoming bullhorns for anti-LGBTQ bigotry, anti-trans hatred, and Christian nationalism. We need open, inclusive, justice-seeking, peace-building churches like OSC more than ever before.

Like most churches, we gather weekly to learn how to put Jesus and his teachings at the center of our lives. But that is just the beginning. We also put these teachings into practice by serving the needs of our community. We also host regular groups, classes, and ministry teams committed to anti-racism, just local policy changes, and the liberation of marginalized neighbors.

Sarah’s Hope Kitchen & Pantry operated weekly throughout the pandemic lockdown, and continues to do so, helping to feed more than 400 neighbors wrestling with food insecurity every month with fresh meat, produce, and shelf-stable food. This spring our pantry tram, led by Victoria McGoldrick, also began serving breakfast every month at Brother Benno’s.


We really can’t do any of this without your support. So if you value our mission and our work, please consider becoming a Supporting Member today by clicking here. Any amount you can give makes a big difference.

Thank you so much for your participation in this unique community of faith! We are deeply humbled to serve as your Co-Lead Ministers.

Rev. Jason & Jenell Coker

Co-Lead Ministers

PS: If you are already a supporting member, and don’t wish to make any changes to your giving, you don’t need to do anything. Thank you for your continued support!