Learning To Share Leadership On The Road From Easter To Pentecost

Hello friends, 

Easter weekend at OSC was special in more ways than one. It was our first ever hybrid (both online & in-person) Easter gathering, and our first in-person Easter service since 2019! Altogether we estimate roughly 200 people (94 in person & 102 online) worshipped together from at least 4 counties — San Diego, Orange, Riverside, and Ventura Counties. That alone is remarkable for our little congregation.   

But more importantly, we have never had more people leading our church through music, invocations and benedictions, communion, sharing stories and reflections, and helping to teach. 

Why is that such an important milestone? Because it is vitally important that we never become a consumer-driven church, where most — if not all — of the ministry is being done by professionals. I am grateful to be a member of a remarkable staff team at OSC, but our job as staff is to equip, empower, and support you, the members of the congregation, to do the leading. That is beginning to happen at OSC more than ever before. 

Cultivating a church of shared leadership is a real struggle in a culture driven by high consumer expectations, but it is vitally important to maintain spiritual health. As soon as we turn community into a commodity, we have lost the interdependence and mutual care essential to authentic love. One of my most important jobs at OSC is to fight that gravitational pull toward consumerism. 
As we continue on our journey from Easter to Pentecost, here are a few ways you can get involved between now and then:

• Nature Gathering, April 23rd: Our very first contemplative spiritual nature gathering is this coming Saturday at 10 AM at Lake Calavera in Carlsbad. This is a gathering open to all walking and hiking skill levels, so bring your whole family. Click here to RSVP for the Nature Gathering.

• How (Not) To Read The Bible, 6-Week Class Starts May 4th: Our next session of How (Not) To Read the Bible begins May 4th at 6 PM via Zoom. Click here to RSVP for the class.

• No Greater Love, Learning Anti-Racist Relationships, May 10th: Our next session of No Greater Love begins May 10th at 6:30 PM on Zoom. Click here to RSVP for the group.

• Roots New Member Class, May 14th: Our next new members class will meet for one session on Saturday morning as a hybrid class, both in-person and via Zoom, from 8:30 to noon. Click here to RSVP.

• Backyard Family Movie Night, May 21: Kickoff summer with a family backyard movie night at 6 PM at Jason & Jenell Coker's house. We'll start with a pot-luck barbecue and end with a fun family-friendly movie (TBD) for all ages, screened outdoors. Click here to RSVP.

• New Community Group Interest Lunch, Jun 5: Interested in joining or helping to organize a new OSC Community Group in your neighborhood or city? Join us for an interest lunch to learn more. Click here to RSVP for the lunch.

I hope to see you at some of these opportunities! I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be part of this community with each of you. 

Rev. Jason Coker
Lead Pastor