November Pastoral Letter

Dear friends, 

Last Sunday’s 147th anniversary celebration was an especially sweet time. As we reflect on the gathering, we are struck by the remarkable community of welcome and care God is building at our church. For us, more than ever, last Sunday morning felt like home.

Community seems to be our theme during this season of OSC’s congregational life. This fall, fifty-five of you participated in our dinner & dialogue groups, hosted by six families from across North San Diego and South Orange Counties. Many others have participated in our online book club and “Outgrowing Immature Religion” class this fall. We’re seeing the good fruit of this on Sunday mornings where so many of you are continuing the relationships you’ve built during the week. 

In all this, we’ve noticed a profound sense of hopeful, peaceful, joyful, and loving presence developing among you. 

People desperately need this kind of community today. Whether it’s the social dislocation caused by the lingering pandemic, or the frighteningly hateful rhetoric we’re hearing from extreme expressions of U.S. religion and politics, people need safe spaces of spiritual inclusion where they can learn to love freely and generously, without fear or shame.  

As we enter the Advent and Christmas season, starting November 27th, we want to invite you to come home to our worship gatherings:

  • During the four Sundays of Advent, starting November 27th, we will lean into group spiritual practices of hope, peace, joy, and love.

  • At our Christmas Eve service, on Saturday, December 24th at 7 PM, we will sing traditional Christmas Carols, explore the mystery of God’s presence among us in the birth of Jesus!

  • On Christmas morning — a Sunday this year! — we will not gather in-person. Instead, we will bring you a special Christmas message online at 10 AM that you can join from home on YouTube or Facebook.

Let’s commit to being present together, online or in-person, as our spiritual practice this holiday season. 


Jason & Jenell Coker


The Oceanside Sanctuary

P.S. Don’t miss our very own Alex Kip’s ordination service this coming Sunday, November 20th at 10 AM! Alex needs our support and encouragement as he continues his ministry calling.