Share your practices & experiences this lent

Dear OSC family:

As I shared on Sunday, during Lent, we take forty days to commune with Jesus in his time of fasting in the desert. Lent is typically a time to abstain from vices like chocolate, media, video games, or alcohol. Giving up something can be a great way to keep Christ’s death and resurrection on our minds until Easter and bring richness to our year. However, with a finite amount of time in our day, sometimes adding a spiritual practice into our lives, like prayer, contemplative walking, or a Lent study or devotion, may feel less subtractive to the mind and offer a way to fill more of our day with healthy choices, naturally. Either way, Lent can be a beautiful way to see the Holy Spirit this season.

What are you adding or subtracting for Lent this year? We are opening the conversation for you to tell us what you are doing for Lent so we can learn from one another. Use the comments below to share your story and update us on how Lent is progressing for you this year.


Jenell Coker

Co-Lead Minister