The Call To Constant Love

“Like good curators of God’s grace, use all the good gifts you have received to serve others.”

1 Peter 4:10

Hello OSC family,

October is our volunteer-drive month at OSC! Please click here to sign-up for a team today:

You may have noticed our little downtown church is growing! We have more families, more children, and more guests and visitors showing up for all our programs and gatherings. 

That means we need everyone to roll up their sleeves and pitch-in to make people feel welcomed, fill hungry bellies, teach children about God’s goodness, and help each other worship.

In the passage above, the Apostle Peter is writing 30 years after the death and resurrection of Christ to remind us that we have been called out of a life of self-service and into a Spirit-life of hospitality, serving others by God’s grace. 

Peter refers to this kind of service as maintaining “constant love for one another” (1 Peter 4:9). We give out of what we have from our time and talents to help the needs of others. 

In other words, we don’t just come to The Oceanside Sanctuary to hear good teaching or sing good songs, we come here to love each other by serving each other’s needs. 

That is the life of Christianity; the life of constant love. 

So this month, we are asking for you to commit to a team to provide the hospitality, assistance, and love for others that our church is known for across this City. 

Please click below to sign up for a volunteer team. We will train you and put on you a monthly scheduled so it will be easy to remember.


Rev. Jason Coker

Lead Pastor