The Songs of Advent

Happy New Year!

No, this isn’t my January article, published in December by mistake. As you may know, November 29th was the first day of Advent and, as such, was the first day of the new calendar in Western Christian churches.

So for you, as a Christian, your new year has already begun!

The rhythms of our life shape us. We don’t always realize it, but our lives are very much like a song, complete with beats and rhythms, melodies and verse. The highs and lows of our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly lives tend to make an impression on who we become.

Ever have a song stuck in your head? Even a song you hate? That’s the power of rhythm and melody.

The calendar you follow is one of the more powerful – and yet, under-appreciated – rhythms of your life. Like the driving beat in a song that you unconsciously tap your foot to, your calendar determines your times of work, rest, and celebration. These are some of the most powerful things shaping you – especially what you celebrate.

Of course, all the best songs tell a story. As it turns out, holidays tell the story of an entire culture. In America, we have:

  • Presidents Day

  • Independence Day

  • Veterans Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving

  • Easter and Christmas

It can be hard to hear above the deafening noise of commercialism (Shop Early! Buy Now! Click Here!), but the story of America is told right there in her holidays, including its heritage of faith. It’s a good story.

But we are not Americans only. We are not even Americans first and foremost. Before all else, above all else, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God, established by the coming of Jesus Christ, our King, nearly 1800 years before the birth of America. 

If, as Christians, all our holidays and celebrations revolve around our identity as Americans, then we shouldn’t be surprised to discover that we have been shaped into the image of consumers, and that our churches have begun to resemble corporations and shopping malls.

This is why the Christian calendar can be so powerful. It provides followers of Jesus with a better rhythm of life – a driving beat in the song of the Kingdom. In our calendar, we have:

  • Advent – Anticipating the coming of Christ

  • Christmas – Celebrating the birth of Christ 

  • Epiphany – Revelation of Christ to the gentiles

  • Lent – Preparation for the cross 

  • Easter – Celebrating Christ’s victory over evil

  • Pentecost – Celebrating the birth of the church

That’s the story of the gospel. It’s a bigger and better story than any other, and when we organize our lives around this calendar, it helps shape us into the image of Christ and helps our churches become outposts of hope and wholeness in the midst of a frightened and fragmented world. 

For the month of December, my teaching theme is “Songs of Advent.” I’ll be teaching on Advent and Christmas through the spontaneous, prophetic songs recorded in the gospel of Luke, sung by those who encountered the hope of Christ first-hand. Please join us on Sundays at 10:30 AM and bring a friend with you.

Moving deeper into the new year, as we celebrate our uniquely Christian holidays, it’s my prayer that we at First Christian Church would begin to discover our own distinctive rhythm and melody as a community of hope and wholeness right here in Oceanside.

May all your holidays be happy and all your family be blessed this year!


Jason A. Coker