Help us fund our mission with a year-end gift

Dear OSC family, 

As we reach the end of a challenging and tumultuous year, I want to sincerely thank you for all the ways you have participated in and supported The Oceanside Sanctuary.

We exist not for our own survival, but for the good of the surrounding community. That’s why our mission is “to make disciples for the sake of the city.” We practice Christ’s teachings so that God’s will may be done, “on earth as it is in heaven” — so that daily bread, forgiveness of debts, and deliverance from evil might become a tangible reality in our community. 

Here are a few of the ways we have worked toward that mission this year:

  • Through Sarah’s Hope Pantry, we provide fresh meat, dairy, produce, and shelf-stable food to more than 100 local households and houseless neighbors every month who are hungry and struggling to make ends meet.

  • Through our Groups & Classes this year more than 30 people engaged with our spring and fall classes, “Outgrowing Immature Religion” and “How (Not) To Read The Bible”, and another 30 people have engaged in our new “Call & Response” group. Through these groups and classes we are welcoming those who have been hurt or rejected by other religious traditions, and discovering how the gospel truly liberates us from control, condemnation, and oppression.

  • Through our Justice Works team we are advocating for racially-just policy changes in the Oceanside Police Department and climate action initiatives in Oceanside and Vista. Together with our community partners, Justice Works successfully advocated for an open search for the next Chief of Police in Oceanside.

As a charity, we can’t do any of this without your support.  That’s why we conduct a membership fund-drive every June and a year-end fund-drive in December. 

Our year-end fund drive goal this year is to raise an additional $25,000 over-and-above regular membership giving.

That may seem like a big goal, but if every family in our congregation gave an extra $250 in December, we would exceed that goal. 

Of course, not everyone can give an extra $250, and that is okay! In God’s economy, we are called to give generously according to our own means, not according to someone else’s means (see 2 Cor 8:13-15). Some of you may be called to give $25, or $250, or $2,500, or more. Our goal is not that you would feel pressured. Instead, our desire is that you give whatever amount brings you a sense of peace and joy in supporting our mission.

Whatever amount you choose to give for a year-end gift, you can give two ways:

If you’ve already made a year-end gift to us, thank you!

Each of you — as fellow congregants, as volunteers, and as donors — are helping to create a unique church in North San Diego County that exists for the sake of our community by the mercy and grace of Christ. 

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your pastor. Blessings to you and your family this Advent and Christmas season. Stay safe and be well!


Rev. Jason Coker

Lead Pastor

PS: If you’re new to OSC, I encourage you to read our FAQ’s About Giving.