Mission 2023 update

Dear church,

As you know, for the past 3 months we have bene immersed in an effort to revise our Mission Commitment — the values, vision, mission, and priorities of our congregation. Since September we have engaged in a series of listening session, a congregation-wide survey, and one-on-one conversations with people inside and outside our church. 

Today, we have two important updates: 

First, we have created a new section on our website (click here) where we are compiling the results of your input. In the coming weeks, this will be where you can follow the final stage of this process and provide additional feedback. 

Second, because we have receive more input than we expected, we have extended the deadline for this process to January 31st. On that day, we will convene a congregational meeting to vote on the new Mission Commitment. 

Here’s the new timeline for the final stages of this process:

  • Dec 20th: Post SWOT analysis of OSC for congregational input. 

  • Jan 3rd: Post first draft of new proposed Mission Commitment online for feedback

  • Jan 17th: Post final draft of new proposed Mission Commitment online for review. 

  • Jan 31st @ 10:00 AM: Convene a Zoom Congregational meeting to vote on the adoption of our 2023 Mission Commitment. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Thanks everyone,

Jason Coker

Lead Pastor