God of Justice, we sit with sadness in our hearts today. We come in the rawness of our pain, not hiding what we carry. This world feels fractured, and we feel pulled in every direction. God of the Stranger, we lament for those who have come to our shores, seeking refuge and safety, only to be met with rejection and suspicion.
The Collective Table Podcast: S9E5: "Revolutionary Love"
In this powerful episode, Jenell and Claire dive into The Collective Table archives to revisit the “See No Stranger” book club conversation featuring Valarie Kaur. Valarie, a renowned civil rights activist, author, and speaker, has dedicated her life to promoting revolutionary love—a concept she describes as "the choice to enter into labor for others who do not look like us, for our opponents who hurt us, and for ourselves."
The Collective Table Podcast: S9E4 - "Wanting to Believe"
Episode 4 of Season 9 is here! In today’s episode, Jason and Jenell revisit our 2021 interview with author of Black Liturgies, Cole Arthur Riley. What is the role of doubt in opening us to new possibilities? What is uncertainty’s place? What does it look like for us to identify our own beliefs and lean on our own “wisdom giants,” as Cole suggests?
Oceanside Sanctuary’s Sunday Teachings Now on The Collective Table Podcast!
Join us for Faith Votes 2024
This year The Oceanside Sanctuary’s Justice Works Team is teaming up with The San Diego Organizing Project for Faith Votes 2024! As followers Christ, we have a moral imperative to use our democratically empowered voices on behalf of those who suffer most as a result of these massive challenges. The Christian faith tradition frequently speaks directly to these social problems, but nowhere more powerfully than in the words of Christ himself:
The Collective Table Podcast: S9E3 - "Endlessly Knowing the Mystery"
Episode 3 of The Collective Table podcast is here! In today’s episode, Jenell and Jason revisit TCT’s 2021 interview with author, speaker, playwright, musician and former pastor Rob Bell. Listen in as they explore the tension between doubt and conviction, and reflect on mystery, lament, and the discomfort of sitting in the unknown. Can embracing uncertainty deepen our faith? Is doubt simply a part of what it means to be human? What does it look like to seek the “answers” in a healthy way?
An exciting new season at OSC is coming
Seasons change. As your Co-Lead Pastors, we are reminded of all that has unfolded at OSC over the past twelve months. Just over one year ago, Claire Watson joined our staff as a part-time Youth and Children’s Minister and has now become our nearly full-time Family Minister. Last fall, OSC was immersed in the migrant crisis...