A letter from our new Music Minister, Joey Pearson

Dear OSC friends,


I am thrilled to be part of The Oceanside Sanctuary! It is humbling for me to be called to grow in my journey as a musician and Christian with you. As a child, I never thought it possible for a Queer Christian to step into the role of Music Minister. This is a dream come true—a prayer answered. God’s calling is evident in my life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to answer that calling with you.

A cornerstone of music ministry is outreach and community building. I come ready to engage with you as we work together to build a music ministry that brings us all closer to the Divine. As I communicate throughout the music of my latest album “A Place at the Table,” everybody is welcome at God’s table just as they are. Our job is to show up.

I need your help. Here is your first opportunity to show up as we collectively develop a music program that creates a worshipful experience inclusive of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and hopes. Please complete this brief survey about your preferences as a member of this congregation who participates in musical worship either from the pew or from the stage.

Thank you for co-creating this music ministry with me.



P.S. Are you interested in participating in the music ministry as a musician or singer? Click here to sign up to get involved as we begin our mindful transition back to in-person church.