Add Your Final Feedback To Our New Mission Commitment

Four long months, six listening sessions, twenty-three household survey responses, and two organizational analyses later, the first draft of our new Mission Commitment is finally here.

We want to thank all of you for contributing to this process in so many ways. I know it seems like there are bigger things going on in the world (and, frankly, there are).

And yet, this is an effort to envision our future together as a community of faith. So, it matter. It matters to all of us in this congregation now, and it matters to those who will join our congregation over the next three years.

We are almost done. Before we wrap it up at our congregational meeting on Jan 31st at 10 AM PST, we are asking for your feedback one last time by Jan 15th. Click here to do that now.

Here is what comes next:

  • On Jan 17th we will post a revised draft of our Mission Commitment, doing our best to integrate everyone’s feedback.

  • On Jan 31st at 10 AM, join us for a congregational meeting on Zoom to review, discuss, and vote on the proposed new Mission Commitment. Click here to RSVP for that gathering.