Back to full in-person gatherings Sunday, June 20

We are back to a full in-person church gathering tomorrow @ 11 AM

Hello OSC friends and family, I hope you are finding meaningful and inspiring ways to remember Juneteenth today! 

My big news today is that, in accordance with the State of California’s new guidelines announced on June 15th, we are hosting our first full in-person church gathering tomorrow, June 20th at 11 AM. Here’s what’s new for tomorrow:

  • Seating will be increased to 50% capacity, or no more than 120 people.

  • Social distancing will not be be required, but is encouraged.

  • Congregational singing will be allowed. 

  • Masks will not be required for adults, but anyone who prefers to wear a mask is welcome to do so (see note on mask-wearing below). 

  • Masks will be required for all children until the State of California lifts that precaution. 

  • A children’s class will be offered for 5th grade and under, with masks required for all children and for all adults in the classroom. 

We are so excited to continue our slow march toward normal church gatherings! Tomorrow we will be continuing our teaching series from the book of Acts on “The Spirit of Liberation” and our Pride Month celebrations

A note on mask-wearing:

The State of California’s guidance is for adults who are not vaccinated to continue wearing masks for their own protection. We encourage all OSC congregants to follow this guidance. However, we will not be asking for anyone’s vaccination status. We understand there are valid reasons why some people choose to not receive a vaccination. We trust that if you have made that choice, you will continue to wear a mask.

We also recognize there are valid reasons why some of you who have been vaccinated will prefer to continue wearing masks in public. Please feel free to do so. We will not be asking for anyone’s reasons for mask-wearing. As always, all are welcome. 

I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Jason Coker

Lead Pastor