Pride, new staff roles & getting back to a unified Sunday gathering

Dear OSC friends, 

Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner, the pandemic appears to be winding-down, and there are lots of new things happening at The Oceanside Sanctuary:

  • We are inching our way closer to a normal Sunday Gathering by combining our two gatherings into one unified 11 AM worship service beginning THIS Sunday, June 6th. Seating will be limited to 30% capacity (75 people) and masks will still be required, but RSVP’s are no longer necessary. I hope you’ll join us this coming Sunday June 6th at 11 AM!

  • I’m excited to announce that Alex Kip is shifting roles to become our Outreach Pastor, taking on leadership of Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry as well as oversight of our “online church” efforts. Alex brings the perfect set of gifts and energy to help us reach new people in our community with the hospitality and compassion of the gospel.

  • I’m equally exited to announce that Jenell Coker is shifting roles to become our Family Minister, adding youth ministries to her existing work as the leader of children’s ministries. Jenell has a vision for a holistic family ministry at OSC that helps resources the whole family with spiritually and developmentally appropriate teaching and practices. Jenell has been on church staff in big and small churches across the country for the past 25 years, so she brings an impressive combination of gifting and experience to this role.

  • For those who have been around a while, you know that June marks the time for our annual membership drive. Starting this week, we are asking you to consider becoming a supporting member or renewing your membership by making a pledge to give to support our mission this year. Whatever amount you are able to give helps us advance our mission to bring a more inclusive, inspiring, and impactful gospel to North County. Click here to see how that works.

  • Many of you know that June is also PRIDE month. As a church, one of our highest stated priorities is to “become a more empowering community for LGBTQ persons,” so we are looking forward to celebrating PRIDE this month and learning more about how to be allies to the local LGBTQ community. We have designated June 27th as Pride Sunday. I hope you’ll join us for that celebration.

  • Lastly, June 27th is also the last Sunday of our fiscal year, which means it is time for our annual congregational meeting. This is where we decide together on next year’s Board members and budget. If you consider yourself a member of OSC, I hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to stick around after church for this congregational meeting at 12:15 PM. Click here to learn more.

As always, it is an honor and privilege to serve as your Pastor. Be safe, be well, and I hope to see you on Sunday!

Take care,

Rev. Jason Coker

Lead Pastor