Don't miss these new year opportunities at OSC

Hello friends,

I hope your Christmas and New Year holidays were blessed and that you were able to connect with friends, family, and find rest. Even through were are not gathering in person due to the latest COVID surge, there are lots of opportunities for you to connect with others at OSC, worship together, and explore how to lean into our spiritual community together. Check out the opportunities below and get signed up for something today!

OSC Sunday Morning Live Stream, 11 AM on Youtube or Facebook

For those who don’t already, we’d love to have you join our Sunday morning live stream at 11 AM. If you DO join us, please comment so we can say hello! And of course, you can always watch the recording later if 11 AM isn’t a good time for you. Click here for our YouTube live stream link.

OSC Roots Class, Jan 26 through Feb 9 @ 6:30 PM on Zoom:

The Roots Class is our introduction to The Oceanside Sanctuary for those who are new. We discuss the history, beliefs, values, mission, and leadership of the church. We will meet for three weekly 1-hour sessions on Zoom. Click here to RSVP for the Roots class.

New Group: Processing Religious Trauma, Interest Meeting Jan 23 10 AM on Zoom

We are so excited to launch our new 6-week therapeutic group experience for people who have experienced harm in religious settings. The group begins Feb 16 and all who are interested are asked to join us for an interest meeting on Jan 23 at 10 AM on Zoom. Click here for details and to RSVP.

Call & Response Scripture Study, Jan 27 @ 6:30n PM on Zoom

This is our monthly group bible study, based on a dialogue approach to scripture. For Jan, Feb, and March this study will focus on the wisdom series we are currently teaching on Sunday morning. January’s study focus is on the book of Proverbs. Click here to RSVP for the Zoom link.

Online Book Club, Feb 3 @ 6:30 PM on Zoom

Our monthly Book Club meets every first Thursday of the month. February’s book discussion will be on Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher. Click here for details and to RSVP for the Zoom link.