Feeding America Awards $6,400 to Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry

Last January, our church to a leap of faith to start our own little food pantry right here in the heat of Oceanside, called Sarah’s Hope.

Your support of this program has been incredible! Many of you stepped up, giving your time and money to help launch this important program to feed hungry families in our neighborhood. As a result, 9 months later, we are feeding between 100 and 150 people every week with non-perishable groceries, fresh produce and baked goods, thanks to God’s grace, your selfless service, and our partnerships with Feeding America San Diego and Gelson’s Market.

Today, we have exciting news! This week we received a $6,400 Feeding America Capacity Grant to upgrade our refrigeration equipment in Sarah’s Hope!

This was a competitive process with 36 San Diego County applicants requesting a total of $300,000 from only $70,000 in available funding. We should be proud that our program was considered a good investment to continue fighting hunger in our community.

Huge thanks to Feeding America San Diego and to all of you and the community volunteers who make Sarah’s Hope possible at First Christian Church Oceanside.