Sarah's Hope

Reverse Advent Calendar

Advent is here and this year we are inviting you to add an item from the list below each day into a box for Sarah’s Hope food pantry!

Then bring your box with you to one of our two identical candlelight Christmas Eve services at 4PM or 8 PM!

Share this with neighbors, friends, coworkers, and let’s fill the stage with food for our community!

Download and print the photo below and place it somewhere visible in your home!


Feeding America Awards $6,400 to Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry

Feeding America Awards $6,400 to Sarah’s Hope Food Pantry

Last January, our church to a leap of faith to start our own little food pantry right here in the heat of Oceanside, called Sarah’s Hope.

Your support of this program has been incredible! Many of you stepped up, giving your time and money to help launch this important program to feed hungry families in our neighborhood. As a result, 9 months later, we are feeding between 100 and 150 people every week with non-perishable groceries, fresh produce and baked goods, thanks to God’s grace, your selfless service, and our partnerships with Feeding America San Diego and Gelson’s Market.