Steer Clear of the Roadside Distractions

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
he is a shield to those who walk blamelessly,
guarding the paths of justice
and preserving the way of his faithful ones.
Then you will understand righteousness and justice
and equity, every good path
   ~ Proverbs 2:7-9

Dear friends,

I’ve always loved road trips.

Early morning departures when the sky is still dark. Powdered Donettes, Nacho Doritos, and gas station coffee. Long stretches of the California desert, painted by the sunrise, scrolling past my window.

But the best part are the roadside attractions. Pop-up shops selling beads and moccasins. Burned-out husks of by-gone watering holes. Baker, California and the World’s Tallest Thermometer. Alien Beef Jerky.

Sometimes those stops-along-the-way are just what the doctor ordered. A chance to re-fuel, shake off the dust, and wake-up a bit from your road-slumber. Other times, especially at the end of a long trip, the compulsive stopping-and-starting become roadside distractions, a symptom of the weariness of travel that can actually drag out your trip far longer than necessary.

Nine months ago, back in January, First Christian began a journey to discover God’s calling for our next season of life together. It’s been a good journey – we’ve prayed together, learned together, explored and discovered together, and brainstormed together. The purpose of all these gatherings and was twofold: 1) to understand the deep values of the people at First Christian Church of Oceanside, and 2) to unlock our imagination for what could be possible in this time and place. This has been a journey to discover our vision and mission.

We took the summer off from this journey – and it was good to park for a bit and stretch our legs – but with the arrival of fall, we are ready to get back on the road. For the next few months, we must be careful not to get distracted by the opportunities along the side of the road.

Over the course of this journey, I’ve been collecting the bits and pieces of information that have emerged and from those scraps of prayers, dreams, and possibilities, a map is beginning to form. This month, we’ll begin the final stage of our mission process: gathering a small team who will work together to flesh out a map – a strategic plan, including vision, mission, values, and goals – that will guide our progress together for the next few years.

What’s next?

Over the next three months, our next steps will be:

  • Form a strategic planning team (September)

  • Work together to craft a strategic plan (October)

  • Offer the church at-large an opportunity for input and feedback (October)

  • Present the strategic plan to the board for consideration (November)

  • Approve and begin to follow the strategic plan (December)

How can you help?

This month we are looking for people to join a strategic planning team. Any church member is welcome to join. However, team members must be able to attend four two-hour planning meetings in October (the scheduling of these meetings will be arranged to make it as easy as possible to attend). If you are interested in joining this team, please call me at the church office or email me.

We’re getting closer! I hope you are as excited as I am.


Jason Coker
Senior Pastor