Join us at Call & Response this fall to Study the Life & Teachings of Jesus

Just over a year ago we began a new group at OSC called Call & Response. This is our monthly study that approaches the Bible as a dialogue — a discourse between ancient authors that we are invited to join in order to learn how to connect with God today.

Our next season of Call & Response begins this month, September 23rd at 6:30 PM on Zoom. Here are the topics we plan to study this fall:

Fall 2021: The Life & Teachings of Jesus

  • September 23 - Sermon on the Mount

  • October 21 - Parables of Jesus

  • November 18 - Acts of Jesus

Visit our new Call & Response web page for links to study resources, podcast recommendations, and all the dates of upcoming Call & Response gatherings this year. Use the form below to RSVP and receive the Zoom link:

RSVP to Call & Response