Launching a New Spiritual Care Team 

Dear OSC family,

Since COVID-19, much of the world and our community are experiencing new levels of loneliness and challenges. We know things have been difficult, and we want to make sure everyone is doing ok, plus stay meaningfully connected! 

As a church, we believe being present to another, bringing loving attention and the willingness to be affected by the other's life world, echoes God's incarnated presence in Christ. In all the highs and lows of life, we want you to know we're here for you. 

So, after some planning, intention, and creative thinking, we are excited to announce:

Our brand new, Spiritual Care Team!  

We hope this team will help you:

  1. Feel cared for and connected.

  2. Develop stronger relationships within the church.

  3. Foster a real sense of belonging where you can be vulnerable and transparent.

How does it work? 

Well, we've created a team of volunteers that are going to reach out to you every month via phone or text for a simple, friendly check-in to see how you're doing. This call is an opportunity to let us know about anything that's troubling you or merely a chance to catch up. It's super simple, if we already have your number, then expect a call from one of our volunteers. 

Ultimately, we want you to know that God is with you, whatever you're going through, and so are we! We're excited to speak with you soon! 


Alex Kip, Associate Pastor

P.S. Research shows that spiritual care has important implications for an individual's health and well-being, so ultimately, we want to ensure we're providing that.