Family Spiritual Practices for Advent & Christmas

Hello OSC parents & grandparents, 

In this time of ongoing lockdown, Jenell and I want to offer you COVID-safe and spiritually meaningful ways to celebrate the upcoming Advent and Christmas season. 

Below you'll find 24 "family spiritual practices" beginning with Advent (Nov 29) through Epiphany (Jan 6). These are really just fun ways to use art, storytelling, prayer, gift-giving, and parties as a way to live out the the story of the gospel during this holiday season. These are exactly the kinds of things we would be doing on Sunday morning -- but they will work just as well, if not better, practiced in your home as a family.

If you decide to use some of these at home, we would love to hear how it goes! You can take pictures and tag The Oceanside Sanctuary on Facebook or Instagram. 

Lastly, if you're interested in more, these are taken from the book, Faithful Families for Advent & Christmas by Traci Smith. There are many more prayers and activities listed that we did not include here. We definitely recommend it!

Hope you are staying safe and healthy at home and we look forward to re-uniting with you all soon!


Rev. Jason Coker
Lead Pastor