New Opportunities To Find Your Community This Fall

Hello friends,

We hope your summer has been good! Last weekend — as we sent our youngest daughter, Alannah, off to her final year of college at Sonoma State — we were reminded that, ready or not, fall is here.

With fall arriving, we are entering an exciting time of new possibilities at OSC. COVID hospitalizations are dropping and restrictions are easing, so we believe now is the time to lean into our mission priority to “Grow opportunities for deeper relationships and spiritual growth beyond our Sunday Gathering.”

Offering opportunities to build closer relationships is more important than ever. America’s “epidemic of loneliness” has only been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. While clinical research shows that religious attendance is good for both mental and physical well being, huge numbers of Americans are increasingly abandoning religious community, and nearly 1/3 of them cite bigotry toward LGBTQ people as a primary reason.

So many people around us long for a space where they can take Jesus seriously, build meaningful relationships, find care for their souls, and impact urgent social needs without being indoctrinated to bigoted views of women, people of color, or LGBTQ persons.

Sadly, there are very few churches in North San Diego County who fit this description. At OSC, we feel called to grow into that kind of healthy community of faith. We hope you’ll continue with us on that journey wherever you are!

Upcoming opportunities

New Teaching Series, “Conversations With Jesus” in September

On Sunday September 4th, we will launch a new teaching series called “Conversations With Jesus.” We will explore how Jesus engaged people with questions and dialogue in order to reveal the truth about God’s gracious, pervasive presence in the details and structures of our lives.

Learn Healthy Leadership Skills In Our New “Branches Class”

Also in September, we are launching our new “Branches Class”, a 3-session Zoom leadership training course. This class will cover what it means to be a healthy leader, create healthy spaces, how to build trust and organize relationally, and how to help people connect to the variety of ways we provide “soul care” at OSC. If you are interested in becoming a leader in any capacity at OSC — or just want to learn healthy leadership skills that would be applicable in any context — this is the class for you.

—> Click here to RSVP for the Branch Class, starting September 8th

New Dinner & Dialogue Groups in October & November

This October we are “soft-launching” new community groups with a series of three “dinner and dialogue” gatherings in October and November, hosted by members of OSC (just like you!). At three in-person OR virtual dinners you’ll have an opportunity to build closer relationships and learn to have safe, open conversations about how the teachings of Jesus relate to our lives.

We are looking for volunteers to host and facilitate these groups! If you are interested in learning more about being a host or facilitator this fall, please click here.

“Outgrowing Immature Religion” Class Starts October 4th

Have you ever felt like you were outgrowing your religious beliefs? Have you ever wondered why some Christians are hostile to change, while others embrace it? Have you ever wondered why some Christians. leaders, and whole church traditions often seem obsessed with fear, condemnation, and control? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Outgrowing Immature Religion might be for you!

—> Click here to RSVP for Outgrowing Immature Religion

Black Canyon Spiritual Nature Retreat, October 6th-9th

Join our first ever spiritual nature retreat this October to deepen your connection to God and others, explore forgiveness through spiritual processes with a licensed therapist. On this trip you will canoe, hike, swim, and camp in a remote nature location.

—> Click here to learn more and RSVP

We hope to see you at some of these upcoming opportunities!


Rev. Jason & Jenell Coker
