Youth & Kids Happenings at OSC!

OSC Kids & Youth

As I reflect on my first couple of months as Youth & Children’s Minister at OSC, I am profoundly grateful for the warm embrace and genuine hospitality you have extended to myself and to my husband, Chris. Your welcoming spirit has made this transition a joy, and I look forward to deepening our shared journey of faith together. In just two months, I have sat around dinner tables, shared coffee, and enjoyed conversations - these times have gifted me such deep insight to the ways that God is working in the lives of our children, youth, and families at OSC. 

Already, our middle schoolers have met for their first gathering. Our Halloween Pizza Party was a blast! I am looking forward to having a Middle School Christmas Party in December - stay tuned for dates and times. 

Our children’s program on Sunday mornings also has a lot to celebrate. This past week, our children assembled goody bags for our senior adult resource fair this coming Saturday. Thank you to our Family Co-Op Volunteers who are making our Sunday mornings with children a positive and impactful time. 

We also have implemented a new check-in and name tag system for kids on Sundays, and families can now pre-check in to have your name tags printed ahead of time! While this is not required, it can save you some time on Sunday mornings if you’ll be checking in kids. Fill out this form to tell us you are coming by 9am on Sunday, and we’ll have your name tags printed and ready when you arrive! 

With the Advent season approaching, I am thrilled to share some wonderful opportunities for families to actively engage and participate in our church community. 

To kick-off Advent, join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 10am for a unique Sunday Gathering entitled, Advent’s Light: Celebrating Song, Story, and Community. All ages will enjoy singing, interactive storytelling, and community. Stick around after the service to sip hot cocoa, eat cookies, and a chance to make your own Advent wreath. We encourage individuals and families of all kinds to come together and embrace the spirit of the Advent season!

Families will also have the opportunity to read scripture and light our advent candles on Sunday mornings. Contact me to sign up for a Sunday in December. This will include our special 4:30pm Christmas Eve Service. 

Throughout the month of December, our kids will also be invited to lead the congregation in singing a special Christmas/Advent song before they are released to their classrooms. This is intended to be a fun, low-pressure way for kids to help lead us into the Christmas season, not a performance! We will work on learning the songs during our kids time over the next month, but kids are welcome to join in the singing no matter how much practice they have. 

Finally, I am looking forward to utilizing Meredith Miller’s Zippee Christmas curriculum in December. It offers intentionally simple lessons that create space for kids to play, wonder and meet God. 

It is an honor to minister alongside each of you here at Oceanside Sanctuary. I look forward to continuing to create spaces for our young people to ask big questions that help them understand God's great love for them.



Rev. Claire Watson 

Youth & Children’s Minister