Exciting news for our youngest kids! Starting in March, our toddlers and pre-K kids (ages 2-4) will have their own dedicated classroom for play, learning, and age-appropriate spiritual formation. This change creates a calmer nursery for infants while helping toddlers transition into their own space. Join us on March 9 & 30 as we launch this new class!
Father's Day Dad Jokes Video
As Father's Day approaches, we're gearing up for a celebration filled with laughter and joy! This year, we're turning to our youngest members to add some comedic flair to the festivities. We're inviting all kids, teens, and young adults to share their best dad jokes for a special video presentation on Father's Day (Sunday, June 16th).
Adding early childhood workers to our growing Sunday classrooms
We are thrilled to share the exciting growth our Sunday gatherings have experienced over the past six months, particularly in our nursery, preschool, and elementary-aged classrooms! As we strive to enhance our kids' church experience, we are actively seeking both paid and volunteer early childhood professionals to enrich our Sunday morning spiritual formation time. We're delighted to announce that…
RSVP for our Christmas Eve Service at 4:30 PM!
We will only have one gathering this year on December 24th. Instead of a morning gathering, we will come together at 4:30 PM for a brief, traditional candle lighting Christmas Eve service from 4:30 to 5:15 PM.
Space is limited, so please RSVP below so we know how many people to expect this year!
Journey Through Advent with OSC
Yesterday, our church community began the season of Advent together with an intergenerational worship service of storytelling and music. Kids and adults alike had the opportunity to make and take home their very own Advent wreath, which has five candles to be lit each week leading up to Christmas day!
I have crafted a GUIDE for individuals and families of all ages to use for a weekly time of candlelit reflection. Whether you choose to follow along with your own advent wreath, electric candles, or other sources of light, we encourage you to join us on this sacred journey through hope, peace, joy, and love to Christmas.
Middle School Christmas Breakfast & Gift Exchange!
Hey Middle Schoolers!
Get ready for a festive morning filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of giving! 🎁✨ Join us on Sunday, December 17th, during our special Sunday Gathering at 10 am in the cozy confines of the youth room for a Middle School Christmas Breakfast & Gift Exchange that's sure to kickstart your holiday celebrations!
Youth & Kids Happenings at OSC!
To kick-off Advent, join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 10am for a unique Sunday Gathering entitled, Advent’s Light: Celebrating Song, Story, and Community. All ages will enjoy singing, interactive storytelling, and community. Stick around after the service to sip hot cocoa, eat cookies, and a chance to make your own Advent wreath. We encourage individuals and families of all kinds to come together and embrace the spirit of the Advent season!
Kids Pre-Check in Now Available for Sundays!
Family Spiritual Practices for Advent & Christmas
In this time of ongoing lockdown, Jenell and I want to offer you COVID-safe and spiritually meaningful ways to celebrate the upcoming Advent and Christmas season. Below you'll find 24 "family spiritual practices" beginning with Advent (Nov 29) through Epiphany (Jan 6). These are really just fun ways to use art, storytelling, prayer, gift-giving, and parties as a way to live out the the story of the gospel during this holiday season.
Oside Kids Time Capsule Project
Dear OSC Parents,
I am sure it has been a big adjustment to have your school aged kids home. I also know that kids can feel the effects of change differently than adults; Wearing a mask, staying home from school, and in some families, not even being able to hug grandparents. This time is really difficult for all of us and likely taking an emotional toll, including our kids.
One of the teachers in our congregation, Jandy Palmer, shared a fantastic activity for kids to process their feelings called The COVID 19 Time Capsule. You will find it here. I think it is a great way to chat with your kids about their feelings. My favorite part of the project discusses community; I hope you will express that our church family loves them and is praying for them.
- Jenell Coker, Children's Director