Sign Up For Our "Mission 2023" Listening Sessions

Help us discern our mission for the next 3 years

This week we kick-off our 3-month long Mission 2023 planning process at the Oceanside Sanctuary to help discern together what our mission, vision, values, and priorities will be for the next 3 years, beginning in January 2021.

When you come to one of five Listening Sessions, we will spend an hour together in conversation. We will ask the whole group a series of questions about our church designed to help us discern our core values and practices. There are very informal conversations. There are no right or wrong answers : )

If you are able, I would love to see every person in our church attend one listening session. We can't discern our future together without everyone's voices being heard. We are all in this together.

Here are the Listening Session dates and times:

• Session #1: Thursday, 9/17 @ 6:30 PM
• Session #2: Sunday, 9/20 @ 10:15 AM
• Session #3: Tuesday, 9/22 @ 6:30 PM
• Session #4: Sunday, 9/27 @ 10:15 AM
• Session #5: Wednesday, 9/30 @ 6:30 PM

The Zoom link below will work for all of these sessions. If you can't make any of these, don't worry. There will be other opportunities in the next 3 months to share your input. 

I hope to see you there! I am looking forward to this process and excited about what the Spirit of God is leading us into for the next 3 years. 

Rev. Jason Coker

Lead Pastor

Jason Coker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mission 2023 Listening Sessions

Click To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 869 6515 4548

Passcode: 429490